There are different types of sleepers in the world. You may have wondered if you are sleeping in the right position to ensure you get the highest quality of sleep you need to get through the day or if your position really matters. Long answer short: yes. It turns out that it can be equally important in choosing the right mattress for you at one of the leading mattress stores in Orange County.

Generally speaking, it is recommended that you sleep on your back.
Although 74% of Americans reportedly sleep on their sides, there are many reasons why sleeping on your back is better for you. Here are just a few of them:
- Good for spine alignment.
- Alleviating neck, shoulder, and back pain. If you’re finding these areas of your body frequently aching during the day, it might have to do with the position you are currently sleeping in.
- Reduces the risk of heartburn
- Diminish sinus buildup
- If you’re concerned about aging, it’ll decrease your wrinkles.
However, there are some exceptions to this.
Pregnant women, for example, should be sleeping on their left side.
Obviously, you don’t want to be sleeping on your stomach when you have a bun in the oven after the 20th week. Studies have shown that sleeping on your left side during pregnancy ensures proper blood flow to the fetus and decreases the risk of a stillborn.
If you have sleep apnea, it’s best to sleep on your right side.
Sleep apnea is a disorder when breathing stops and starts over and over again. Lying on your back can escalate the issue.
Why you shouldn’t sleep on your stomach
Stomach sleepers are a rare breed, making up only 7% of the country’s population, and they probably don’t realize how much harm they are doing. Your neck and spine are not in a neutral position when you sleep on your stomach, resulting in pain. It also puts pressure on your nerves which will also leave them aching. Luckily, you can train yourself out of this habit by placing pillows on the appropriate areas of your body to encourage the adjustment.
The Takeaway
If you still feel unsure about your sleeping position and you believe that it may be impacting the quality of your overall health, you should bring up your concerns with your doctor for any medical feedback. If the position you are sleeping in isn’t the culprit, then it could certainly be your mattress. If it’s time to retire your old bed, then it’s time to come on over to the Mattress Sale Liquidators, the #1 mattress store in Orange County. Our highly knowledgeable team understands the ins and outs of purchasing the perfect mattress to match your individual needs and your desired price range. Choosing the right mattress will also play a role in changing your current sleeping habits, such as the position you sleep in. We truly value our customers and treat them like our family, so please call one of the most respected mattress stores in Orange County today to book an appointment with us at (619) 760-7031 so that you’ll be snoozing peacefully again in no time!