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When to Seek Urgent Care in Long Beach for a Broken Nose

A broken nose, or nasal fracture, is one of the most common facial bone injuries that doctors see in the emergency room. 

A broken nose can be the result of several circumstances: contact sports, roughhousing, or just being clumsy.

While you might feel pain and shock from the trauma of a hard hit to the nose, that does not necessarily mean that your nose is broken. The most obvious sign that your nose is broken is if it changes shape. For example, your nose may not be as straight as it was before. However, a broken, or fractured, nose is not always obvious.

In this article, we will explain how you can tell if your nose is broken and when you should seek medical attention from urgent care in Long Beach.


The Broken Nose (a.k.a. Nasal Fracture)

If your nose has a crack in the bone or cartilage (structure that gives form and support to the nasal cavity), your nose is considered to be broken, or fractured. 

It is important to note that the nose mainly consists of cartilage. While you may not have broken the bones of your nose in an accident, you could have broken the cartilage which can cause long-term problems such as a deviated septum. If you have a deviated septum, you could suffer from blockage in your nasal airway, which causes difficulty breathing. Some people who suffer from a deviated septum require surgery to correct the issue and improve their quality of life.

Problems from a Broken Nose

Aside from the possible physical change of appearance, an untreated broken nose could lead to problems such as difficulty breathing and snoring. In some cases, people who suffer from a broken nose may even experience a serious condition called septal hematoma, which is a blood clot that forms within the septum of the nose.

The Symptoms 

Pain and bleeding are oftentimes associated with trauma to the nose, but experiencing these symptoms does not necessarily indicate that you have broken your nose.

Long Beach urgent care experts point out that bruising or swelling on the face, especially around the eyes after a nose injury, is a significant sign of a broken nose. The other obvious sign is if your nose looks misshapen or crooked after the swelling goes down.

When to Seek Urgent Care

If you think that you may have a broken nose, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. You can get an examination done at an urgent care in Long Beach, California. Your doctor may order an X-ray or CT scan to assess the damage. 

You should check into urgent care immediately if you suffer from any of the following issues after experiencing trauma to the nose:

  • Heavy, persistent nose bleeding 
  • Clear fluid draining from the nose
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe headaches
  • Vomiting or nausea 
  • Change in vision

Even if the injuries you suffer are less severe than the issues listed, you should still get checked as soon as possible to see if your nose may require reshaping. 

Caring for a Broken Nose

We have created a list of six tips you can follow to properly care for a broken nose before seeking medical attention:

  1. Stop the bleeding: Do your best to stop the nose from bleeding by applying firm pressure with your index finger and thumb to the bottom part of your nose. Do not apply pressure over the bridge of the nose. Keep the pressure on for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  1. Lean forward: This position prevents blood from dripping down your throat. You need to avoid swallowing blood, which could cause you to feel nauseous and even vomit. 
  1. Do not try to straighten the nose yourself: Leave this work to the medical experts.
  1. Apply an ice pack or cold compress: Applying cold pressure can help reduce swelling. 
  1. Take a pain reliever: You can use pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen after the bleeding has stopped. Just make sure you read the directions on the label.
  1. Try to relax: Avoid any activities that require extraneous effort. You should also follow your provider’s directions to rest and give your nose time to heal.


Accidents happen, and a broken nose is not an unusual injury. That said, it is important to take the signs of a broken nose seriously and seek urgent care in Long Beach to properly care for it. Looking for professional help to treat a broken nose? You can walk in without an appointment to be seen at Nair Urgent Care. 
Are you in need of a nasal swab test and have been searching for Long Beach testing sites? Nair also offers COVID-19 testing onsite.