If you are looking to lose body fat, then you are likely to research the best diet plans as well as discuss them with your doctor or dietitian. While these are all steps in the right direction, there is another factor that might surprise you when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight: your quality of sleep. That’s right: getting less than the required amount of sleep each night on your Orange County mattress can result in putting on additional pounds. So what exactly is the connection there? Let’s find out!

Doctors have discovered and explained how the hormone ghrelin comes into play. This hormone is released when we are hungry or thirsty, so people who don’t get adequate rest will be more likely than others with good sleeping habits to feel hungrier during their waking hours as well as an increased craving for unhealthy high-calorie foods like fast food which can lead them down a path towards obesity. It is also worth acknowledging that a lot of us tend to crave our favorite comfort foods when we are stressed or upset, so not getting enough sleep the night before can be an easy trigger to fall into these temptations. Unless it’s your day off from school or work, you’re not going to have time to take a nap during the day on your Orange County mattress, so many of us will grab a coffee or a cake as a coping mechanism. In addition, when we are sleep-deprived, our bodies produce less leptin, which is the hormone that regulates your eating as well as your weight. The less of it you have, the more likely you are to overeat.
The more tired you feel, the less likely you are going to want to stick with your exercise routine. In addition, you are more likely to turn to unhealthy, caffeinated stimulants to get you through the day. The more rested you feel, the more motivated you will feel to have a healthy salad for lunch. You’ll have the energy to go kick butt at the gym, too! In addition, you should avoid eating large portions before bedtime if you are on a weight loss plan. Try having a few small, healthy snacks like some fruits instead. All of us want to feel good about ourselves, but over-indulging in pleasure food will only bring temporary satisfaction. Implementing healthy decisions into our daily routines goes a long way. Remember: “the way you spend your days, is how you spend your life.”
If you think your dusty old bed is the culprit, causing you to wake up groggy, cranky, and unrested, then come on down to Mattress Sale Liquidators for a new mattress in Orange County. We believe that restfulness is secretly the key to peace on Earth (okay, maybe we’re exaggerating a bit, but think about how much more happy, healthy, and productive the world would be if everyone had an affordable, quality mattress). So what are you waiting for? We are helping change peoples’ lives for the better today – one mattress at a time!