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Use A Home Sauna For Many Different Types Of Treatments

People recovering from a sports injury, trying to lose weight, are managing their high blood pressure are looking into a home sauna. The best home infrared sauna not only provides relaxation but has been scientifically proven as therapy for the entire body. Here are a few ways that an infrared sauna session can treat specific health conditions. 

Anti-Aging And Skin Renewal 

Using your home sauna three times per week for twelve weeks can result in improved skin texture. The best home sauna is a full spectrum infrared sauna because it can help to restore skin to a youthful appearance. This can help you do without expensive cosmetic treatments that might not be very effective, or have very limited results, and questionable long-term safety. Alternatively, you can rejuvenate your skin while receiving other health benefits while using a full spectrum infrared sauna therapy in your home in your own time!

The Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy published a study that claims there are significant improvements in skin appearance just after twelve weeks of sauna skin therapy using near-infrared technology. People who participated in the study experienced a reduction in wrinkles and crow’s feet. Also, they saw improvements in their overall skin tone, which includes softness, smoothness, elasticity, firmness, and clarity. 

People who bought the best home infrared sauna and use it regularly, have a great complexion with a healthy glow and less fine lines on their face. Additionally, the skin is more hydrated without having to add moisturizers. 


Sitting in an infrared home sauna two to three times per week allows the body to detox toxins. Researchers have evidence that the body effectively gets rid of toxins, including heavy metals through the perspiration process. It is important to keep well hydrated, so you can safely sweat and expel the toxins out of your body. An infrared sauna detox can sweat out a variety of toxins through the skin’s pores. 

Not all saunas and sweats are the same since infrared saunas are seven times more powerful than a traditional sauna. Detoxing in a far infrared sauna can produce sweat that has a toxin ratio of almost twenty percent. The detoxification process in a traditional sauna might provide a three percent toxin ratio. 

This high rate of detoxification is possible since infrared heating technology is highly efficient. It is the only technology that has been scientifically proven to increase the body’s core temperature by two to three degrees. Instead of just heating the air within the unit to pull out toxins, infrared saunas detoxify the body by heating the body’s core to flush the toxins out.  

Weight Management

People who use an infrared sauna three times per week for eight to twelve weeks have experienced weight loss. The secret is out on the fact that infrared heat technology can burn calories, and help in weight loss. A study concluded that far infrared sauna use was equivalent to moderate exercise, but without huffing and puffing, and is more relaxing as well as enjoyable. 

As a result, infrared saunas are a practical and powerful weight loss option for individuals who cannot participate in traditional exercise programs because of medical conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular or respiratory issues. 

Furthermore, based on data published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, infrared sauna weight loss sessions can burn up to 600 calories in just 30 minutes!

While you sit in an infrared sauna, the body’s core temperature increases. Then the body reacts to this increase in core temperature by working hard to cool itself down, this causes a healthy sweat. Utilizing an infrared sauna boosts heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, which burns more calories and leads to weight loss. 

Also, blood flow increases, rising from five to seven quarts up to thirteen quarts a minute. Not only that, but regular sauna use can support many of the same advantages as regular exercise, such as cardiovascular conditioning. In a nutshell, using an infrared sauna gives you a passive cardio workout. 

Sports Recovery

Enjoying an infrared sauna three times a week for 4 to 6 weeks can help you to quickly recover after a workout and enhance your performance for your next training session. Plus, if you want to boost your metabolism, strength, post-workout recovery, energy levels, and muscular endurance, infrared therapy is highly recommended.  

Additionally, infrared therapy has shown to energize the mitochondria of the cell, generating an increase in energy, which helps in stepping up metabolic function. While the body’s core temperature increases, the heat brings out the release of growth hormone, which consequently increases muscle growth, fat breakdown, and calcium retention. Also, cells become oxygenated, which cleanses the circulatory system. 

Research has seen an increase in protein tissues and other regenerating genes when the body is exposed to infrared therapy. This means that infrared heat accelerates tissue recovery. Further studies have revealed that white blood cell production and collagen growth have been triggered with near-infrared technology.   

Improved Circulation 

Using infrared therapy two times per week for at least six weeks provides a deep heat that lowers pain and encourages increased circulation to areas of the body where there is discomfort. It can also lower and prevent the formation of scar tissue and myofascial adhesions. 

A full spectrum infrared sauna heat works by permeates joints, muscles, and tissues, increasing circulation and quickens oxygen flow. When you lower soreness on nerve endings, infrared heat reduces muscle spasms and helps the body heal itself holistically. 

For several years, doctors have advised their patients who suffer from sports injuries, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other chronic conditions to regularly use infrared saunas.  

The medical journal, Internal Medicine, recently published a Japanese study that revealed that chronic pain patients experienced a greater reduction in pain levels of almost 70 percent after just the first session of infrared sauna therapy.  

The Department of Dermatology and Institute of Medical Research conducted a study in 2003 which proved that the use of near-infrared heat therapy helped the generation of white blood cells to reduce inflammation and lower swelling, two main elements in soothing bodily pain.