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Understanding How Chiropractors Treat Back and Neck Pain

A trip to the chiropractor could be good for people suffering from acute and nagging pain in the back of the neck. However, those hesitant to take up such care maybe because they don’t fully understand the process. After all, how can chiropractors go about helping people with these nagging pains so quickly? What are the exact methods and techniques they use? Let’s find out what exactly causes this type of pain in the first place.

Low Back Pain

One thing that usually causes low back pain is a leg being shorter than the other. This issue is more common than you think since tight muscles or misalignment can usually push it. Problems concerning this misalignment occur with someone feeling the need to put more weight on one leg than another, making the case ever more present. A chiropractor will turn a patient on their side and use a lumbar roll to realign the pelvis to correct this issue. Then, there will be little to no pain, and you might find yourself with better posture and a bit taller as well.

Neck Pain

When your neck and spine lack the correct curve to have a good posture, there is a chance that you might get chronic pain. People may feel numbness and pain in their lower back, limbs, and arms. This issue can be due to some nerve pinching in your spine. Using traction and putting the neck and spine back in proper alignment can make this unfortunate pain and the side effects disappear entirely. 

Cervicogenic Neck Pain

Compared to chronic neck pain, the cervicogenic version is caused by strained or irritated nerves in the neck area, which causes severe crippling headaches that are usually only negated once the doctor has conducted the realignment. After the proper adjustments, nerves have the space they need to relax and recuperate from the irritative state that they’ve suffered. From there, relaxation of specific joints and parts in the body is easily achievable.


When it comes to chiropractic care, many of the treatments you receive are by adjusting your body’s right areas. For some treatments, the adjustment and relaxation of one’s muscles through the movement of one’s hands or a laser heats the muscles. When it comes to treatment for the nerves, realigning parts of the body that causes them to be pinched or irritated can be effective. These adjustments may seem simple on paper but are difficult to accomplish in practice. Thanks to chiropractors and their deft skills, the pain patients often feel can be a thing in the past.