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The Benefits of Sound Machines

Everybody sleeps differently. Even if you purchase the same mattress from the same Orange County mattress store as someone else, it is not likely that you will experience the same night’s sleep. Some of us are naturally more restless or sensitive to distractions, some of us snore, and some of us have no trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. 

One of the most recent debates among sleepers has to do with sound or lack thereof. How much of it can disturb our sleep and what kinds of sounds can actually help us drift off? The answer to this really depends on your own individual sleeping tendencies. 

There are some people that like complete silence while others find that a little background noise can lull them to sleep. Some people can tune out loud sounds once they are in their deepest level of sleep while others will snap awake no matter what. Since a lot of sleeping habits come down to preference, it is best to try and understand what works best for your body and mind. It all comes down to what is calming and relaxing enough to let your body drift off.

For some people, silence can be loud. It amplifies whatever thoughts are going through their head and keeps them from successfully calming their bodies down enough to fall asleep. On the other hand, unexpected or unfamiliar sounds can be distracting as well. 

Many mattress customers in Orange County confess that they often fall asleep while watching television because it is a recognizable sound that they can tune out. Other people appreciate living in the city because they get a natural background of noise at any time of day or night. While these techniques may work for some people, they can cause problems for most other people. According to recent studies on falling asleep with the TV on, the blue light from the TV screen can significantly impact your melatonin hormone levels which can weaken the quality of sleep that you actually achieve. On the other hand, neighborhood noises can be inconsistent and unpredictable, which makes it difficult for some people to tune out. 

Fortunately, many sensitive sleepers have found solace in sound machines. These machines can be set to your desired volume at a frequency that eases the mind without distracting it. Sound machines offer a consistent stimulatory response that allows your brain to ignore other unpredictable noises and relax into sleep. 

You can think of sound machines or white noise machines as a method of achieving the right balance of silence and sound for your mind. These are especially helpful machines for staying the night in a new environment. While you might be familiar with hearing your upstairs neighbors or the cars on the street, these kinds of mundane noises can be distracting when you’re in a new place. Sound machines allow your brain to tune out external noises and focus in a meditative way. You can purchase many different kinds of noise machines on the market. Some come with built-in alarms, AM/FM radio, and soothing lights. Others are simply a collection of pleasing noise loops like the ocean, rain, forest, static, and other atmospheric sounds. 

If you have trouble falling asleep at night because of distracting noises or silence, then you may consider investing in a sound machine to help ease your body and mind.