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The 9 Best Fruits for Your Immune System

Let's look at the best fruits for an improved immune system!

With how much damage COVID-19 caused all over the world, it’s understandable that people are paranoid about their health. Nowadays, people are more aware of not only how to have proper hygiene by washing their hands but also of ingesting the right fruits and veggies to boost the immune system. If your immune system is strong, it’ll help keep dangerous diseases at bay and fight off anything that sticks.

Thankfully, strengthening your immune system is easy-peasy with these delectable fruits.

1. Blueberries

Blueberries, as the name suggests, are blue. This means that they’re rich in flavonoids called anthocyanins that give it its deep, gorgeous blue color. Anthocyanins have a ton of antioxidant properties that can help boost your immune system!

Blueberries, in particular, are great at protecting your upper respiratory tract from infection. Studies also show that despite the 15 g of carbohydrates one cup of blueberries boasts, they actually help you lose abdominal fat and lower bad cholesterol.

2. Citrus Fruits

There’s a reason why people turn to glasses of orange juice or lemon tea whenever they catch a cold! It’s because citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C—they help produce white blood cells that are your first line of defense against viruses and bacteria. Not only do they help prevent diseases from occurring, they also hasten your recovery process!

Common citrus fruits include lemons, limes, grapefruits, and oranges.

3. Papaya

Did you know that this vibrant tropical fruit is rich in vitamin C too? In fact, you can get twice your daily recommended intake from one papaya alone. They certainly can give citrus fruits a run for their money!

Papayas are rich in a digestive enzyme called papain. They are unique to papayas. Papain and papayas have been features in traditional medicines all across the world as it helps relieve pain, and reduce inflammation and swelling. They also prevent certain diseases like gastrointestinal infections and diarrhea.

4. Kiwi

Kiwis are not only high in vitamin C, but also dietary fiber and antioxidants. That means that it not only gives your immunity system a boost, but also your cardiovascular and digestive systems!

Kiwi’s vitamin C, as we have already discussed extensively, boosts your immune system by producing more white cells. Its antioxidants, on the other hand, get rid of free radicals in your body that contribute to aging and diseases like cancer and diabetes. So, not only do you feel good with a kiwi—you also look good!

5. Pineapple

Besides being rich in vitamin C, pineapples are also rich in manganese. Manganese has plenty of health benefits including strengthening bones and connective tissue, balancing hormones, improving metabolism and nutrient absorption, and regulating blood sugar levels.

Pineapple is also full of an enzyme called bromelain. It helps to reduce inflammation and swelling, particularly in the upper respiratory tract, and can also relieve soreness in the muscles.

6. Watermelon

Watermelons, quite obviously, are full of water! If you didn’t already know, water is the best drink you can have for your immune system for a variety of reasons. It helps to carry oxygen in your blood stream, allowing your body systems to function properly. It also helps to flush out toxins from the body that can cause problems.

The white part of the watermelon is also rich in citrulline, which turns into the amino acid arginine when ingested. This improves the function of various organ systems in the body, specifically the respiratory and reproductive systems.

7. Apple

Like the popular saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” Don’t let the classic fairytale, Snow White, fool you…

Apples are rich in polyphenols, which is a kind of antioxidant that’s great for your heart health. They significantly reduce your chances of getting a stroke and also manage your blood pressure levels.

Polyphenols also have a ton of anticancer properties. They lower your chance at getting cancer by blocking the growth of tumors and also killing cancer cells in the body.

Lastly, polyphenols boost gastrointestinal health by promoting good bacteria and reducing bad bacteria in the gut.

What a powerful fruit the apple is!

8. Avocado

While you might typically associate omega-3 fatty acids with fish like salmon, did you know that avocados are actually just as rich in them? Omega-3 fatty acids do amazing things for your body as it helps lower your triglyceride levels, regulate blood pressure, and reduce bad cholesterol in your body. This, in turn, helps to improve your heart health considerably.

They’re also rich in other vitamins like B6, C, and D and are one of the best fruits for a healthy immune system.

9. Pomegranate

Pomegranates have a crazy antioxidant profile—punicalagins, anthocyanins, and hydrolysable tannins. They also have polyphenolic compounds too. So, while they can certainly be a hassle to eat, the health benefits definitely make it worth it.

They also have great antimicrobial, anticancer, and antibacterial properties. They do a lot of wonder for your cardiovascular, urinary, nervous, and digestive system. With a pomegranate, you can be sure everything from the top of your hair to the tip of your toes is covered!