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Ten Ways For A Deeper Sleep On Mattress Orange County

Sales representatives at mattress Orange County stores want to make it very clear to everybody that falling asleep and sleeping deeply are two very different things. When you sleep deeply, you are allowing your body to tap into the restorative powers that only a good night’s sleep can do. 

Now the million-dollar question is, how do we get to that stage of sleep? Many sleep experts at Orange County mattress stores want to help answer that question by listing ten different ways you can achieve better sleep: 

Exercise daily. Doing physical activity can instill some energy into us throughout the day, but it can also help us sleep better at night since our body and mind get into recharging and resetting mode. Although intense exercise is only recommended early in the day to aid sleep, light exercise at any time of the day, such as an after-dinner walk, is useful as well. 

Do not nap. This tip isn’t for everyone; however, if you find you have a hard time sleeping or you wake up frequently during the night, think about reducing naps during the day. This will make your body feel tired at the end of the day when you really want to sleep. Longer naps may consist of a deep sleep, which can hinder sleep drive and cause issues for people with insomnia. If you have to nap, keep it short at around 10 to 20 minutes.

Lessen Distractions. Make sure your sleep environment is designed for a good night’s sleep. Get light-blocking curtains to eliminate outside light. Move electronics out of the bedroom to stay away from sleep-disturbing blue light, which wreaks havoc on your circadian rhythms. If you have a lot of outdoor noise or just noisy neighbors or housemates, get a white noise machine or earplugs to block out these distracting sounds when you are trying to drift off to sleep.

Stop unhealthy habits. It has been proven that alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine interfere with sleep. Limit your cups of joe for the morning hours only. If you sleep on a stomach that is too full, it can cause heartburn and indigestion, so try to consume your last meal a few hours before you go to bed. 

Increase your magnesium intake. Magnesium helps to regulate melatonin, which is a sleep hormone. Production of melatonin relieves muscle tension that can interrupt sleep and prevent restful sleep and stimulates GABA, the principal neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, which promotes sleep. Around 75 percent of women do not get their recommended daily dose of this mineral. To receive more, prepare a water bottle with a teaspoon or two of magnesium citrate powder and sip this throughout the day and leave it on your bedside table. When it is in this form, it is fast-acting and highly absorbable. It will help you relax and achieve revitalizing sleep.

Remove clocks and alarms from your room. The noise and the temptation of checking the time when you are awake may result is some slight anxiety that may distract you from getting a good night’s sleep. 

Blackout your bedroom. Any light in your bedroom can slow down or completely stop melatonin production in your body, which leads to a bad sleeping session. 

Go outside during the day. Doctors say that 20 to 30 minutes of fresh air and sunshine can help strengthen the body’s internal clock. Sunlight transmits a signal to the body to let it know that the sun is out and it should be active. When the sun sets and the day shifts into night, the body understands that it is time to transition to sleep mode. 

Have a cup of tea. You don’t have to be a posh British aristocrat to enjoy a cup of tea. There are many herbal teas on the market that promote better sleep. 

Be grateful for what you have. Thinking about the things that cause you the most stress is never a good idea before bedtime. Before you go to sleep, keep yourself calm, and have a happy frame of mind in order to achieve better sleep. This will not only improve your physical health but also your mental health. 

Hopefully, doing some or all of the things above will allow you to have a rejuvenating sleep on your recently purchased mattress in Orange County from Mattress Sale Liquidators.