Which Position Should You Be Sleeping In?

There are different types of sleepers in the world. You may have wondered if you are sleeping in the right position to ensure you get the highest quality of sleep you need to get through the day or if your position really matters. Long answer short: yes. It turns out that it can be equally […]
The Connection Between PTSD and Sleep Disorders

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder where a person experiences trauma that affects their day-to-day ability to function. While every person has experienced trauma to some degree, individuals with PTSD significantly struggle in various areas of their lives, including their ability to work, socialize, or take care of themselves. It affects more than 3 million […]
Visit Mattress Stores in Orange County to Invest in Your Quality of Sleep

Many people know the feeling of waking up in the morning without feeling the least bit rested. It can be a frustrating feeling, especially when you thought you were sleeping all night. Experts at Orange County mattress stores call this sleep inertia. According to sleep experts, sleep inertia is a physiological state between being awake […]