Consumers know that honey is a natural sweetener, but there are some interesting facts about honey that may be news to them. For example, did you know that honey has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties? It also contains antioxidants, which can help protect against cell damage. Honey is also a good source of healthy nutrients like vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. So why not give honey a try next time you’re looking for a sweetener? You may find that you like it even better than sugar! Today, let the Orange County bee removal experts teach you all about what makes honey one of the greatest foods on Earth!

- Honey is one of the most delicious substances on earth, but it also naturally preserves without any need for refrigeration. It will last indefinitely if stored in a cool dark place. The oldest evidence found to prove this comes from flowers that were discovered dating back to the 10th century BC and they still maintained their high level of purity even after being pickled, smoked, or dried!
- Honey has been called the closest thing to nectar of the gods. It’s 80% sugars and 20% water, meaning that it can help with allergies because vomiting triggered by honey will not happen as often if you’re stuck eating this delicious sweet treat!
- Honey bees are social insects who work together to collect nectar and pollen from flowers. A single bee will visit 50-100 different blossoms on one trip out of the hive, but it takes many individual trips for them all to come back comfortably!
- The life of a single honey bee is short-lived. She only has the energy to create 1/12 teaspoon of honey in her lifetime!
- Bees have an incredible ability to survive the winter and thrive. They do this by living off of honey in their bee colonies, which are small groups organized for productivity that exist year-round with multiple queen bees leading them all!
- Honeybees are the only class of bee that produces honey, but not all bees produce this delicious and nutritious treat. Many types produce nectar or pollen instead to feed their young; these include the European foul-brood (a type of stitch worker), and the sweat hive-bee.
- Honey is a natural remedy that can kill internal parasites. It contains glucose, which feeds the bacteria in your gut and helps it produce more of this anti-parasite hormone called glargine. The sweetness draws these bad boys out into the open where they’re easy pickings for our immune system’s own defenses – immunity!
- Honey was an extremely valuable commodity during the 11th century in Germany. This is because it could be used for medicinal purposes and also served as food supplementation when beekeeping practices did not reach maturity level yet due to practice limitations such as disease or lack of habitat space needed by bees.
While bees provide us with one of nature’s sweetest gifts, they can also be a real pain. If your home or workplace is suffering from a bee problem, please contact a bee removal service in Orange County. While you may be tempted to try to solve the problem on your own, it is incredibly dangerous for a non-professional to try to make the bees buzz off for good. Please leave the issues to a trusted bee removal company near Irvine, CA like The Beeman.