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Prevent Keratitis Through LASIK


Getting LASIK in Los Angeles is a very important decision to take in your life, especially given how many problems it can solve. With that being said, when you do take the LASIK eye surgery, you’ll want to make sure that your cornea is in a healthy condition so that the possibility of complications is minimized. Considering that there are infections such as Keratitis, it is critical to understand how to prevent such an issue to ensure that the laser vision correction surgery can proceed without a hitch.

What exactly is Keratitis?

Keratitis can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort for your eye. It takes the form of inflammation of the cornea itself, specifically the area that is over the pupil and the iris. 

There are two forms of Keratitis: A type caused by bacteria, parasites, or other harmful organisms, and the other is caused by an injury. 

Specific Causes of Keratitis

An excellent shield of defense for your eyes before your LASIK in Los Angeles is to know what causes Keratitis so that you can avoid them. One of the easiest ways you can get this infection is by using dirty contact lenses or simply wearing them for far too long. Contaminated water is also a quick avenue through which you can contract Keratitis. This is especially prevalent for those swimming in unclean or contaminated lakes and other bodies of water. The surface of the cornea getting damaged by a scratch, for example, could also cause this infection.


Once Keratitis has been contracted, several symptoms usually follow in its wake, causing pain and discomfort. You’ll experience redness of the eye, excessive tearing, sensitivity to light, as well as the appearance of white discharges on the eye. Your vision will become compromised or blurry too.


Since the most common method of contracting the disease is through contact lenses, focusing on that aspect will greatly decrease your chances of getting infected. Cleaning them thoroughly and changing the container for the contacts can limit your chances of them getting contaminated. It will also help if you take them off after your day is over to limit the possibility of infection.


Just take care to avoid the pitfalls of unclean contacts so that the risk of obtaining this eye infection will be greatly reduced. Of course, much of these problems can be circumvented once you have your corrective eye surgery through LASIK, making your life much more convenient.