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How to Keep Your Nails Healthy and Strong

Keep your nails healthy with these tips.

Strong and healthy nails are an important part of the overall hand and foot appearance. Here are some tips for having stronger nails.

1. Eat a Balanced Diet

A diet that is incredibly rich in nutrients and vitamins, such as biotin, iron, and vitamins A and C, can help promote healthy nail growth. Foods that are high in these nutrients include leafy greens, eggs, nuts, and beans. By eating these foods, you don’t just ensure the health of your nails—you also ensure the health of your body overall!

2. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water can help to keep your nails hydrated and minimize the odds of them becoming brittle. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day give or take depending on your gender, physical activity, and environment. Again, drinking water is something that not just benefits your nails but all bodily processes around the body like weight management and sleep quality.

3. Limit Exposure to Chemicals

Exposure to harsh chemicals and detergents can weaken and damage nails. Wear gloves when partaking in household chores or using chemical products. This also applies to nail products like acetone that severely dry the nails and the skin around the nails. It’s best to limit your nail polish to every month or two to allow your nails to breathe.

4. Avoid Biting Your Nails

Biting your nails can lead to them being brittle and breaking easily. Try to find alternative ways to relieve stress, such as taking a walk or doing some deep breathing exercises. You can also wear nail polish to prevent yourself from chewing on your glamorous nails.

5. Keep Your Nails Moisturized

Keeping your nails and cuticles moisturized can help to reduce the chances of them from becoming dry and brittle. Apply cuticle oil or lotion regularly to your nails and cuticles daily. If you live in a colder area, you should also apply hand lotion regularly to keep your hands soft and supple.

6. Be Gentle When Cleaning Your Nails

Avoid using harsh or metal nail tools, which can weaken or damage your nails. Use a soft-bristled brush or mild soap to clean your nails instead. Again, please limit your nail things to only once a month or two to give your nails ample time to recover.

7. Avoid Harsh Nail Treatments

Avoid using artificial nail products, such as acrylic nails or gels, as they can weaken your natural nails and make them more vulnerable to breaking. The ultraviolet light gel nails need can also damage your skin and make them prone to skin conditions like cancer.

8. Give Your Nails a Break

Taking a break from nail polish and other harsh treatments can allow your nails to breathe and recover. Give your nails a break for a few weeks every few months to promote healthy growth. This will also give your nails time to go back to their healthy white state instead of the yellow that nails sometimes become when they’ve been covered for too long.

9. Consider Taking a Supplement

Biotin is a B vitamin that has been shown to improve nail health and strength. Consider talking to your doctor about taking a biotin supplement if you have consistently brittle or weak nails. It’s important to do this as some supplements may interfere with other medications you are taking.


In conclusion, having strong and healthy nails requires a combination of a balanced diet, proper hydration, and gentle nail care. By following these tips, you can promote strong and healthy nails and keep your hands and feet looking their best.