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How Do You Thank Essential Workers At Hospice In Los Angeles Ca During COVID-19?

Across the globe, there are billions of people who have shown or want to show their gratitude to those who are serving on the frontlines of COVID-19 in essential services. Without a doubt, this consists of healthcare workers at a hospice in Los Angeles Ca, first responders, grocery store clerks, gas station attendants, postal employees, delivery drivers, auto mechanics, and so many more.

These people are making sure that we, John/Jane Q. Public, have essential care, supplies, and services while risking their own health by interacting with people who could infect them with the Coronavirus. 

You can thank workers at a hospice care in Los Angeles for all they do especially during COVID-19 in a variety of ways. Here are just a few ways you can say thank you to essential workers who are working long hours, away from their families and risking their own health during this pandemic. 

Say Thank You

Sometimes a simple “THANK YOU” will suffice. It is an easy way to show someone appreciation and it is only two words and two syllables! When you meet a service provider at a hospice in Los Angeles Ca, don’t forget to express your appreciation for them. Always be kind and ask how they are doing. At the end of the day, health service providers are dealing with their own worries and frustrations, and they have to encounter the worry, frustration, and anger of the people they are assisting. That is a lot to deal with. So, give them a heads up that you are thankful for their dedication and sacrifices. 

Hang Signs

Another easy, great and it will surely keep the young children busy during quarantine is creating hang signs. There is an excellent way to say thank you to essential workers during COVID-19. Once you and the family have created your signs, place them outside your house, on a car window, or in a public space where they can see them. It is a cathartic way for you to show thanks and a good project for children at home that will surely keep them busy while involving themselves within the spirit of gratitude. 

Go Ahead And Make Some Noise

Around the world and in many communities it isn’t uncommon to hear and see people on their balconies and rooftops doing a daily salute to healthcare workers by putting their hands together, shouting out supportive yells, and playing music or sounding off horns during the evening shift change at hospice in Los Angeles.

If you want to make some noise, check out your neighborhood Facebook groups and local newspapers to see when all this happens in your neck of the woods. Or else you can wait to hear all the ruckus and commotion in the evening and join in all the festivities. If your community hasn’t got on this bandwagon yet, you can be the person in your locality who starts it. 

Support Essential Workers’ Families

Due to the seriousness and growing number of cases, many front line workers are forced to work longer hours during COVID-19 just to cope with the demand and needs of so many patients. You must keep in mind that many care workers at a hospice in Los Angeles Ca are serving us while their own families are left on their own at home. 

You can help these essential workers by supporting their family members. For instance, you can pick up groceries for them when you go out for your own supply run, or go a step further and make meaks for the family so they can check off one less item on their to-do list, which could make their day less stressful. 

Also, another means of supporting their families is just to reach out to make certain they are doing well. Get in touch with them so they can unleash their worries. Additionally, you can write a card or a letter to let them know that you are thinking about them. 

Drop-Off Meals

Some people within their communities have taken the initiative to show appreciation to essential workers during COVID-19 by organizing meals and baked goods to be delivered to hospice staff. If you are going to do this, you should first get in touch with the hospice to coordinate with them on delivery so it can be done efficiently and safely. 

Get in touch with local restaurants or bakeries who may be willing to donate part or all of the order if you deliver it yourself. If you wish to do this, but don’t have the means to do it all on your own, ask a few friends and family members if they want to join in, so all of you can give back as a group. 

Many hospices are receiving meal deliveries which is great, however, do not overlook other essential employees. If you want to completely show your support to essential workers, think about buying lunch or dropping off some doughnuts to your primary care doctor’s office, police officers, firefighters, EMTs or grocery stores.  

Stay Safe At Home

This may sound funny and strange, but it is true – the best thing you can do to thank essential workers is to stay safe at home so you can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Apart from social distancing, make sure to wash your hands very often and stay inside unless it is absolutely necessary for you to go out for grocery shopping, medical appointments, picking up prescriptions, taking the dog for a walk, and helping those in need. When you are outside, make sure you are at least six feet away from others. 

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down and has greatly affected healthcare workers and first responders. Therefore, do your best to stay healthy and keep your friends, family, and neighbors healthy too. You can do this by staying at home and away from others, and only going out for necessary errands. This will help to greatly reduce the spread of the Coronavirus and save lives. Ultimately, when you support yourself and those around you, in turn, you are helping out essential workers with less workload – and right now they are constantly on their feet for us.