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How Can Schizophrenia Affect One’s Ability to Sleep?

Schizophrenia is a disorder that people often shy away from talking about, but the truth is, in order to decrease the stigma, it needs to be discussed more openly. That is why we feel it is important for you to understand what exactly it is and how it can affect one’s ability to adequately hit the hay on their San Diego mattresses.


What exactly is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that causes a person to interpret reality inaccurately. They will often see or hear things that are not real. Psychiatrists and neurologists alike are still not precisely sure what exactly causes schizophrenia, but it has been proven to be hereditary. Signs typically appear during the late teens and early 20s years. The disorder falls under a spectrum, so there are several different categories:

✔️ Catatonic
✔️ Disorganized
✔️ Paranoid
✔️ Residual
✔️ Undifferentiated

There is no cure for schizophrenia, but medications are available to lessen the symptoms significantly. It is absolutely necessary for all patients with schizophrenia to be under the guidance of a specialized mental health professional.

How can schizophrenia affect one’s ability to sleep?

Change in sleep patterns is actually one of the first signs of schizophrenia, 80% of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia also have insomnia or another type of sleep disorder. On any given day, they experience psychotic emotions or other sorts of hallucinations at night, naturally making it impossible to fall asleep. Lack of daytime activity due to irregularity can also contribute to abnormal sleeping patterns and an inability to get a full 8 hours of rest on one’s San Diego mattress.

Poor sleep has been clinically proven to worsen mental health issues, so it can naturally become an overwhelming and endless cycle. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 50% of all insomnia cases are related to psychological issues.

How to treat sleeping interruptions with schizophrenia

✔️ Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I): As the name suggests, this is a specialized form of cognitive-behavioral therapy specifically for insomnia. CBT can help people with a variety of behavioral problems, including habits related to depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental health disorders.

✔️ Antipsychotic medication: Antipsychotics are commonly prescribed to people with schizophrenia. They work by blocking the effect of dopamine thus reducing symptoms of psychosis that may keep one up at night.

✔️ Zopiclone/Eszopiclone: These are sleeping medications that are not commercially available in the United States, unlike popular over-the-counter medications such as melatonin.

The Takeaway

As great as San Diego mattresses can be for enhancing your overall health, they, unfortunately, cannot solve every health or sleeping issue you may be experiencing. If you suspect that you or someone you know may be suffering from hallucinations that may or may not be the result of schizophrenia, do not remain silent. Ask your doctor or any primary health provider for a referral to a specialized mental health professional for a formal evaluation, as only medical professionals can provide you with the proper advice you need to manage your health. If any sort of diagnosis is made, a detailed treatment plan should follow. Neglecting proper treatment can come with serious consequences, including poor physical health and even earlier death.