Honey Sticks Can Do Wonders for Your Skin Health and More!
Since ancient Greece, honey has been utilized as a supplement for health and beauty. To maintain the aesthetics of their skin, women would wrap themselves in a coating consisting of honey and olive oil. For ages, honey has been used exclusively for medicinal purposes; it is reported that even the Egyptians took baths in honey […]
A Comprehensive Guide to Bell’s Palsy
Bell’s palsy is a temporary weakness or total paralysis of one-half of your facial nerves. Here, one side of your face will be unmovable, leading to a droopy eye, a lopsided smile, and an eye that can’t close all the way. It’s generally harmless and will cure itself after a few weeks or months. It […]
What You Need To Know About Advanced Lung Disease/COPD
The medical professionals providing hospice care in Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena inform us that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease that restricts airflow and makes it difficult to breathe. The two most prevalent types of COPD are bronchitis and emphysema. Sadly, the effects of COPD are irreversible. If the harshness of lung […]
4 Ways to Ease Acid Reflux After Meals
Acid reflux refers to stomach acid reentering the esophagus. This happens when the esophageal sphincter relaxes at the wrong time or doesn’t close properly, allowing stomach contents to go back up and irritate the lining of the esophagus. Over time, this can lead to gastroesophageal reflux, which is uncurable. GERD isn’t life-threatening, but it’s definitely […]
7 Foods to Eat When Trying to Get Pregnant
Starting a family is a dream for many people across the world. Indeed, if you’re a woman reading this (and you most probably are), you’ve probably been asked multiple times by friends and family when you’re planning on getting pregnant or how many kids you’re planning on having. Indeed, you might have even been offered […]
The 9 Best Fruits for Your Immune System
With how much damage COVID-19 caused all over the world, it’s understandable that people are paranoid about their health. Nowadays, people are more aware of not only how to have proper hygiene by washing their hands but also of ingesting the right fruits and veggies to boost the immune system. If your immune system is […]
Which Position Should You Be Sleeping In?
There are different types of sleepers in the world. You may have wondered if you are sleeping in the right position to ensure you get the highest quality of sleep you need to get through the day or if your position really matters. Long answer short: yes. It turns out that it can be equally […]
11 Easy Lifestyle Changes to Stay Healthy
Juggling a work-life balance can be tough, but juggling life changes, work-life balance and a healthy lifestyle? That’s even tougher! This applies more so to busy bees or those who live in the city—sometimes we just don’t have the time to care about the state of our bodies. However, there are a couple of things […]
10 of TikTok’s Most Iconic Healthy Food Trends
You can find all sorts of entertaining content on TikTok. Not only does it make us laugh, but it also teaches us valuable lessons in the kitchen! Let’s take a look at some of the most viral food hacks and recipes to come out of TikTok. 1. Dalgona Coffee This viral TikTok trend blew up massively […]
10 Reasons Why You’re Getting Acne as an Adult
Acne is the bane of every teenager’s existence. However, did you know that acne can still pop up even after you are well past puberty? It can be embarrassing to see a huge pimple pop up when you’re in your mid-twenties or thirties, but don’t worry—you’re not the only one with adult acne. Let’s take […]