7 Useful Tips to Safely Thaw Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Getting ready for Thanksgiving? Scrambling to get all your scrumptious dishes out in time for the celebration? Ready to eat yourself senseless and unbutton your pants in the classic “I just ate too much” stance? You’re not the only one. With Thanksgiving looming, many households in the United States are undoubtedly preparing for the awesome […]
5 Things to Remember About Going Meatless

More and more people these days are choosing to go meatless, whether it’s for ethical, environmental, medical, or religious reasons. There are plenty of reasons why going meatless is a good idea, so if you’re choosing to follow the same route, then remember that it’s good for you! However, one shouldn’t go meatless without knowing […]
Mind-Blowing Facts About Pineapples

Pineapples are more than just the fruit that Spongebob Squarepants lives in. Besides pineapples being one of the best fruits for your immune system, there are plenty of other reasons to love them. Don’t believe us? Just check out all of these fascinating facts about pineapples that will turn you into a fan in no […]
10 Reasons Behind Blood Sugar Spikes

When you have diabetes or are at risk of getting diabetes, it’s important to monitor your blood sugar levels to prevent spikes. Being too low or too high on the scale has drastic results, leading to complications like kidney disease, vision problems, and heart problems. This can be done by eating regularly, following a diabetes-friendly […]
10 Foods that Help Blood Sugar Levels

When you have diabetes or are vulnerable to diabetes, it’s important to eat healthy foods to maintain your blood sugar. Doing so prevents your blood sugar levels from rising or falling dangerously as much as possible. It ensures our pancreas, blood, and other organs in the body remain in good shape even with our condition. […]
5 Must-Have Dishes from Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a special administrative region located in Southern China. It is one of the most densely-populated cities in the world with people of many nationalities! Despite the small size, Hong Kong is a jam-packed hubbub that’s home to many large-scale international companies. In fact, did you know Hong Kong has the third-highest population […]
5 Must-Have Dishes from Morocco

Did you know that Morocco’s geography is incredibly diverse? While they’re known for their stunning beaches and vast deserts, Morocco is also home to mountain ranges, lush forests, rivers, lakes, and so much more. And just like their geography, Morocco uses a ton of awesome spices for their dishes, making Moroccan cuisine one of the […]
10 Chocolate Dishes from Around the World

It’s hard to find anybody in this world who doesn’t love chocolate. In fact, chocolate making us happy is backed by scientific research—it contains tryptophan, a chemical crucial to producing serotonin. That’s why many of us reach for a bar of chocolate whenever we’ve had a bad day to destress! Chocolate also has health benefits. […]
5 Must-Have Dishes from Canada

Canada is the second-largest country in the world. Its landmass goes from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, so you can just imagine how wide and diverse everything must be up from there. From gorgeous scenery to majestic animals and lush greenery, there is no shortage of things to see in Canada. Just ask […]
5 Must-Have Dishes from Vietnam

Vietnam is a coastal country located in Southeast Asia. In terms of tourism, Vietnam has so much to offer. They’ve got stunning beaches, a rich cultural history, lush natural resources, and great value for the money. Plus, the various dishes Vietnam offers are made with the freshest of ingredients and are often prepared on the […]