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Experts at Mattress Stores in Orange County Advise Customers on Mattress Rotation

Mattress rotation is a common subject that is brought up at mattress stores in Orange County. Many people want to know if mattress rotation is really beneficial, how often they should do it, and if they should also flip their mattress. 


The truth of the matter is that the practice of mattress rotation has increased the performance and lifespan of mattresses for decades. The reason for this is that the weight of our bodies can leave an impression on our mattress if we sleep on one spot every night. Mattress rotation (and sometimes flipping) can allow the mattress to recover from that weight distribution and not get used up too quickly. However, newer mattresses on the market do not necessarily require these practices to sustain their comfort and bounce. 

When you buy a mattress from Orange County mattress stores, you should follow the advice of the brand as to whether or not mattress rotation or flipping is necessary. However, we have a general guide for mattress rotation and why most mattresses would benefit from the practice. 

Mattress rotation is the practice of switching the top and bottom of a mattress by shifting it 180 degrees. Now your head will lay where your feet once were and vice versa. This can be great for evening out the wear of the mattress, which means it will last longer. It also gives you the chance to sleep on the undisturbed surface, which will make it feel like a brand new mattress the first time you rotate it. Without rotation, some mattresses can start to sag. This bad for the mattress itself and your spinal alignment. 

Most experts recommend rotating your mattress at least once a year and as often as three months at a time. You can decide what works for you based on the comfort level of the mattress and the recommendations of the mattress brand. The best way to remember this practice is to schedule it on a holiday. Many people choose to do it on New Year’s Day and then again on the Fourth of July, since this is about halfway through the year. 

As long as your mattress brand does not specifically warn against rotating, it is usually a good idea to keep this practice. Here are the typical mattress types that need rotating once in a while:

  • Latex Foam Mattresses
  • Memory Foam Mattress
  • Hybrid Mattresses 
  • Innerspring Mattresses
  • Some airbeds with foam toppers

Mattress flipping, on the other hand, is a practice that is best saved for innerspring mattresses with no pillowtop or older mattresses. Most conventional mattresses have a layered design that doesn’t work upside down. 

When you do decide to rotate your mattress, make sure that you have someone to help. Mattresses are heavy and can be tricky to maneuver on your own. While it may seem like a bit of a chore, mattress rotation can do a great deal of good for the lifespan of your mattress and help you get a better night’s sleep.