January is the perfect time to adopt a vegan diet if you’ve been debating it. Make that Veganuary, a word from a UK nonprofit organization with the same name. The goal of Veganuary, founded in 2014, is to persuade individuals to eat only plant-based foods for January. Since then, participation has increased by more than double annually. Over a million people worldwide are expected to participate in Veganuary in 2023.
Veganuary is open to anyone, and it doesn’t matter if you joined the plant-based diet a little later than others. However, if you’re not used to giving up meat or are unsure how to manage without eggs or dairy for a month (or more), you might need some advice. Here are some advice-filled responses from experts to the most frequently asked questions regarding Veganuary.
Getting Your Nutrients During Veganuary
Let’s first quickly review what can be included in a vegan diet. According to the American Vegan Society website, vegetarians choose from a wide selection of vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds while preparing meals.
Getting all the nutrients you require from those dietary groups could be challenging. According to Florida-based nutritionist and certified personal trainer McKenzie Flinchum, RD, vitamin B12, which is present in animal diets, is the essential nutrient that vegans fear they may be lacking.
Take a supplement unless you consume fortified vegan foods to meet your nutritional needs. Anemia can result from a B12 deficiency is advised. You must also be mindful of your intake of vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iodine, and iron if you follow a vegan diet. To achieve micronutrient requirements, consuming a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, plant-based oils, beans, and legumes is critical.
Is the Event a Good Option for Weight Loss?
According to Veganuary’s website, the movement’s original goals were to “defend the environment, eliminate animal suffering, and improve the health of millions of people,” not to lose weight. If you don’t monitor your food consumption, though, you might find that you lose weight—whether you intend to or not.
Instead of focusing on what you will exclude from your diet, consider what you will include. Additionally, always keep nutrition top of mind. Instead of eliminating animal foods, make sure to substitute plant-based items. This is a way to ensure that calorie needs are met. This way of thinking should be helpful if you’re a dedicated carnivore. It’s harder to follow a vegan diet if you’re used to eating meat every day. As advised, consider what you are gaining rather than what you are giving up. These could be new flavors, new meals, and a ton of vegetables you may not even be familiar with.
No concerns if your resolution to become a vegan in January fails, or you must be committed enough to stick with it. Veganism isn’t for everyone, but you can always give it another shot or adopt a more tolerant vegan diet. But suppose Veganuary motivates you to adopt a plant-based diet permanently. In that case, you’re in luck! February is Vegan Cuisine Month, making it the ideal time to learn about the vegan options available in your neighborhood.