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Learn How to Spot Gum Disease Symptoms

You are probably aware that gum disease is one of the most common oral health problems that our society faces currently. Any dentist in Newport Beach can confirm the fact that most adults in the United States experience varying forms of this condition, from minor cases of gingivitis to periodontitis to advanced periodontitis. 

When bacteria, food particles, and mucus fuse together, they cause a sticky film to form on teeth. This is called plaque. If left unattended, plaque can turn into a hard calculus that will destroy enamel and tissue under the gum line. This harmful process is known as gum disease. 

Your dentist in Newport Beach will tell you that gingivitis is the first stage to more severe forms of gum disease. That is why it must be taken seriously. However, it can be treated with relative ease by a professional. Dentist offices have specific cleaning solutions with antibiotic properties that protect your mouth from further damage and decay. 

In the case where gingivitis is not properly treated or is increasingly persistent, this can lead to periodontitis, which is inflammation of the gums and teeth structures. This can be treated with more intensive cleaning and scaling methods that target the roots. When this is not enough, some people may need surgery to properly remove the bacteria. Bone and tissue grafts are sometimes necessary to encourage new growth to replace the damaged areas affected by the disease. 

Periodontitis not only affects your mouth, but it can also cause health problems in other areas of your body. This bacteria has the ability to enter the bloodstream and threaten other bodily functions. 

Studies completed by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) have determined that gum disease usually hits people in their 30s or 40s. Some younger people will experience gingivitis; however, periodontitis is more of a risk for people once they have reached full maturity.

It is important to identify oral health issues before they progress into a more serious type of gum disease. That is why your dentist in Newport Beach will suggest regular dental examinations and hygiene practices. However, some people are more likely than others to suffer from these conditions. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the symptoms that indicate the potential for acquiring gum disease. Here are some of the telling signs:

  1. Teeth that are loose. When infectious bacteria make their way below the gums, this can cause gum pockets to deepen and established teeth to loosen. 
  2. Teeth that are sensitive. If you start to notice that eating is uncomfortable, this may be a sign that your gums are receding.
  3. Bad breath/bad tasting mouth. More regular halitosis can be a sign that plaque is building in your mouth.
  4. Gums that are sensitive, swollen, red, or bleeding. Any of these symptoms can indicate that your gums are inflamed by bacteria.
  5. Gums that are actively receding. If you notice your gum tissue stretching back and showing more of your teeth, then this indicates that your gums are receding.

A few other symptoms of gum disease to watch out for are mouth sores, pus, shiny gums, and spaces between teeth. 

According to research, about fifty percent of adults in the United States have gum disease at some point in their lives. Some people are a greater risk, which is why it is important to understand all of the factors that can contribute to this disease. Here are some factors that can affect your chances of having gum disease:

  1. Medication. There are some specific prescription and over-the-counter drugs that can disrupt saliva flow in the mouth and cause dry mouth. People with persistent dry mouth have a higher chance of developing gum disease because of increased bacteria in the mouth. Some medications can also cause abnormal tissue growth.  
  2. Age. Since gum disease is more common in older people, this is an obvious factor to look out for. Based on research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over seventy percent of adults in the United States who are age sixty-five or older have periodontitis. 
  3. Diet. Like most health problems, gum disease can be exasperated by an insufficient diet. Your body needs certain nutrients or your immune system will suffer and, thus, an infection can spread easier. People with obesity have a higher risk of developing gum disease. 
  4. Smoking. This habit can cause a lot of oral health problems and gum disease is just one of them. Smoking also makes it more difficult to receive treatment. 
  5. Diabetes. This can affect your ability to fight off gum disease infections and thus worsen your condition. 
  6. Genetics. Research has found that DNA has some impact on a person’s susceptibility to gum disease. It is a good idea to be tested in order to see if you need to take more precautions to avoid this condition as best as you can. 
  7. Grinding. This will not necessarily give you gum disease but teeth grinding can, in fact, irritate your teeth more and make the condition worse. 
  8. Hormones. Women who are going through menopause or are pregnant can experience more sensitive gums that acquire gingivitis. 
  9. Stress. It is well known that increased stress levels can increase your chances of becoming sick. If the body cannot properly fight off infections, it will be susceptible to more diseases. 

It is especially important for everyone to be aware of gum disease because it can often start to affect someone without them even noticing. Early phases of gum disease do not show obvious symptoms and many people ignore indications if they are not pain-related. 

In order to prevent tooth loss or other health problems as a result of gum disease, it is important to schedule your regular dental examinations with your dentist. Preventative care is the best strategy for avoiding future emergencies.