The immune system helps you fight off viruses and bacteria. If you’re looking for ways to prevent colds, the flu, and other infections, your first step should be visiting your local grocery store. Plan your meals to include these ten powerful immune system boosters that some people may not eat regularly but make great part-of-a-meal plans or on-the-go snacks.
🟢 Citrus fruits
Most people immediately go for vitamin C when they develop a cold because it strengthens the immune system. White blood cells are thought to be produced more frequently when vitamin C is present.
Almost all citrus fruits have high levels of vitamin C. With so many options, slipping a little of this vitamin into any meal is simple and easy.
🟢 Red Bell Peppers
Red bell peppers, just like citrus fruits, have high levels of Vitamin C, which helps strengthen your immune system. Bell peppers also contain around three times as much vitamin C and a lot of beta carotene, which supports healthy skin maintenance. Your body transforms beta carotene into vitamin A, which benefits the health of your skin and eyes.
🟢 Broccoli
Among the vegetables you can consume, broccoli is the healthiest. It is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, fiber, and several antioxidants. According to PubMed Central, steaming is the best method for retaining more of the broccoli’s nutrients.
🟢 Garlic
Garlic is used in nearly all of the world’s cuisines. It enhances food flavor and is essential for good health. Even as early as the ancient civilizations knew its effectiveness in preventing infections!
The hardening of the arteries may also be slowed down by garlic, and there is also some evidence that it can lower blood pressure.
The high concentration of sulfur-containing chemicals in garlic, like allicin, appears to be the source of its immune-stimulating effects.
🟢 Ginger
Sore throats and other forms of inflammation and inflammatory disease may all be helped by ginger. Ginger has a significant amount of heat because it contains gingerol, a substance linked to capsaicin.
Additionally, ginger may lessen chronic discomfort, nausea and may even have cholesterol-lowering qualities as well.
🟢 Spinach
Because it is abundant in beta carotene and a host of other nutrients, spinach made it onto our list. In addition, it has high vitamin C content and other antioxidants that may help our immune systems fight off infections.
🟢 Yogurt
Search for yogurts like Greek yogurt that say “live and active cultures” on the label. These cultures can boost your immune system and aid in disease prevention.
Choose brands of yogurt fortified with vitamin D to strengthen our body’s natural defenses against sickness and aid in immune system regulation.
🟢 Almonds
Vitamin C outperforms vitamin E in preventing and curing colds. However, this antioxidant is still essential for a robust immune system.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which implies that fat must be present for adequate absorption. Vitamin E is abundant in nuts like almonds.
🟢 Sunflower Seeds
Among the many minerals in sunflower seeds are phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins B-6 and E. Our immune system’s regulation and maintenance depend on vitamin E.
🟢 Turmeric
This bright yellow, pungent spice has also long been used as an anti-inflammatory in treating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. High levels of curcumin found in turmeric can help decrease exercise-induced muscle damage.
It’s no secret that many people turn to nutritional supplements to help boost their immune systems. But remember that boosting your immune system is more than just eating right. Our immune systems are complex and influenced by an ideal balance of many factors, not just any specific food.