Sometimes, your body might look a bit bigger than it actually weighs because of an annoying condition called belly bloat. This is when gas gets trapped in your gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes, belly bloat is caused by accidentally swallowing air while you eat, but other times, it’s caused by the very foods that you eat.
Normally, belly bloat isn’t a cause for concern and normally goes away after a few hours. But, if belly bloat is persistent, it could be a sign there’s something wrong in your digestive system. You could have a sickness that prevents proper digestion, or there are just some foods you should avoid eating to prevent exhausting your digestive organs.
Whichever the case, it’s important to consult your doctor and follow a gut-friendly diet to prevent belly bloat and other digestive issues. Here are some foods to eat and not eat to avoid belly bloat!
6 Bad Foods for Belly Bloat
If you’re prone to belly bloat, then these six foods are probably the culprit. They’re some of the most common foods Americans eat daily and can contribute to not just belly bloat, but a wealth of other health issues that can affect your daily life! Please eat them in moderation.
1. Processed Foods
Sodium might be an essential element for our body, but that doesn’t mean we should eat too much of it. Indeed, sodium should only be limited to one teaspoon a day unless you want to develop kidney problems and heart issues in the future. And considering that processed foods like fast food, junk food, canned food, and others are notoriously high in sodium, these should be avoided as much as possible!
2. High-Fat Foods
Foods that are high in saturated fat tend to take ages to digest. They move slowly down your gastrointestinal tract, slowing digestion and making your belly bloat as a result. As such, the American Heart Association highly recommend not eating more than 13 g of saturated fat a day, not just for your digestive system but also your cardiovascular system!
High-fat foods include processed meats, baked goods, and more.
3. Dairy
Dairy products like milk, cheese, butter, and ice cream are full of sugar called lactose which can be hard to digest. This is called lactose intolerance or malabsorption and affects about 68% of the world’s population. So, it’s best to avoid dairy products in general unless you want to face the temporary effects of lactose intolerance. If you simply cannot resist dairy, you can take supplements like Lactaid to help you digest lactose.
4. Apples
While an apple a day may keep the doctor away, they’re incredibly high in fructose and should be eaten in moderation. Fructose can be hard to digest, causing bloating and abdominal discomfort. In fact, apples are considered high FODMAP and should not be eaten as much by people with intestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome!
5. Cruciferous Vegetables
Make no mistake—cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale are some of the healthiest things you can put in your body because of their vitamins and minerals. However, being full of fiber, they can also throw your digestive system out of order, especially if you’re not used to eating fiber. They are also full of a sugar called raffinose that can cause gas.
6. Legumes
Like cruciferous vegetables, legumes are chock-full of fiber that are healthy for the tummy but not so much for belly bloat. So, to prevent belly bloat but still take advantage of legumes and cruciferous vegetables’ health benefits, gradually increase your intake, allowing your digestive tract time to adjust. Eventually, your stomach will stop bloating every time you eat a bowl of chili.
4 Good Foods for Belly Bloat
On the other hand, these four fantastic foods are great for getting rid of pesky belly bloat. They can either prevent belly bloat from occurring or reduce belly bloat after a long night out drinking or binging on your favorite junk foods!
1. Cucumbers
Water is one of the best things to consume to reduce sodium in the body. Since cucumbers are made of 96% water, that makes cucumbers one of the best foods to reduce sodium too! They are also rich in flavonoids with strong anti-inflammatory properties that can minimize swelling in your abdomen and the rest of your body.
2. Yogurt
Many yogurts on the shelves today are marketed for their live, active cultures. These bacteria help your gastrointestinal tract flourish by providing support for digestion. They help break down hard-to-digest foods that can cause bloating.
Just make sure to go for plain yogurts or yogurts without added sugar, as sugar can cause additional bloating.
3. Asparagus
You might have heard that coffee and tea make you pee more, but did you know that asparagus does too? They might make your pee smell a bit funky, but they can help pee out excess salt and water in your system that causes bloating.
4. Bananas
Bananas are so good for your health as they are highly rich in potassium. This is an element that counters the effects of sodium including water retention and high blood pressure. Indeed, many doctors even prescribe medications with potassium to prevent, reduce the risk, and dissolve kidney stones!
So, if you find yourself bloating due to salty foods, go ahead and eat some potassium-rich bananas. If you’re not a fan of bananas, you can go for potatoes, apricots, and squash too. These fruits and vegetables are also rich in potassium.